Friday, March 23, 2012

Kitchen Sink Links {2}

remains of the snack. 

Our fridge went out this week. Yes, it was pretty terrible to have to throw out a bunch of groceries, but, hey, now both the fridge and freezer are clean!

Here are a few things I'm loving around the web this week:

The combination of pollen and warmer weather we are experiencing in Atlanta right now can only be combated with a lovely drink like this Sweet N' Spicy from Eat, Make, Read

John and Sherry finished up their kitchen remodel over at Young House Love. Opening up that wall did wonders for the space, but I'm loving the penny tile and industrial style stools the most.

It was reassuring to read Virginia's post on The State of Cookbook Publishing, ya know, because I like having a job and all.

Favorite new to me food blog of the week: Food Plus Words. These Whiskey Oatmeal Pies are totally on my "to-bake" list now.

On my "to-make-then-consume-in-mass-quantities list": Chihuahua Mac and Cheese from Scarletta Bakes. This is my favorite line from the post and I think it pretty much sums up my week:

"I personally have never heard of a Mac & Cheese Deficiency, but assuming it exists, I’ve been suffering something fierce."

How about you, how was your week?  What's cooking this weekend? 

Happy Friday!

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