Wednesday, February 12, 2014

just a tip | quick chop spinach

The original title of this post was "Spinach: I put that shit in everything". But that's not really a tip. I'm not trying to be one of those sneaky moms and feeding my family brownies that are secretly full of green beans. I just literally find a way to put a handful of spinach into every meal - its a really simple way to get some extra nutrition each day. 

Mostly I throw some finely chopped spinach into our stir fries, pasta sauces, or soups. By chance I found a way to have finely chopped spinach on hand all the time without chopping my life away: freeze it. 

Yup - freezing fresh spinach makes it incredibly brittle and then you can simple crush it with your hands and sprinkle it into whatever you're cooking. I literally just throw the whole bag of spinach into the freezer until I need it, then take out and crush what I need as I need it. 


  1. How did I never know this?! Thanks for the tip!

  2. What!?! That works? I have GOT to try this

    1. It totally works - can't wait for you to try it.

  3. Good to know — I feel like my bags go bad before I can use it all!

    1. That's actually how I discovered it - I had a bag that I didn't think I would get to - so I threw it in the freezer and boom - culinary discovery.

  4. Ha ha!! Love that opener. Just stuck a bag in the freezer. Thank you!
